Oscars run of show
Samantha Mason
to me

Hey girly, just wanted to drop you a quick note about tomorrow. We've got a lot of things going on and we need to stick to a strict schedule in order to get them all in.

9:00 am breakfast with select members of the press
11:00 am pre-Oscars photo call
11:45 am meeting with Tom
12:30 pm hair and makeup arrives
3:30 pm hair and makeup completed
4:00 pm leave for ceremony

Now, there is something else we need to discuss: Daniel Segers. We know he'll be in attendance and despite our best efforts we weren't able to get your seating arrangements placed far enough apart for our liking. I know you're going to object to that, but we all felt it would be in your best interest. We know you're sticking to your guns when it comes to your relationship with Mr. Segers, but... well you know the objections we have on that front. We're going to ask you to please, keep your distance from Daniel as much possible. We got burned in the past when neither of you hid your relationship, despite his continued marriage. As nothing seems to have changed on that front, and because we would rather not overshadow what we hope to be a very successful night for you, please don't give the press something ELSE to write about.

When you win (and don't be modest, you know you're the front runner) please try and keep your head on your shoulders. I know how you can get swept up by the emotion of the moment, but please, let your moment shine on your own, don't let something overshadow this. Don't do something you'll regret. Daniel is a very lovely man, but you know he doesn't need the bad press either. And after the things your father said the last time you were together... I think you understand why we're asking this of you.

Tomorrow's a huge day, girly! So proud of you!
