What does it feel like, to be in the spotlight?

Its terrifying. That's the most honest answer I can give you. Its terrifying. Even after all this time, after all the auditions I've been through, all the parts I've won and lost. Its still like the first time, every time. Every red carpet, every press junket. They're a lot of work for someone like me, because I never got into this for any of that, not that most of us in this big Hollywood machine do. But for me, I grew up in this big family where the goal was to go to school, get a job, build a career and have a family. And I've bucked that "tradition." I live in a world where my continuted existence is very much built upon what people think about me and not always necessarily on my talents. Look at the culture we live in now, where people will tear each other apart simply because they don't like something they said or did or wore. To be at the heart of that is hard. I never gets easier and anyone who says differently is lying. To you or themselves or both.

Natalia Parrish completely unrecognizable in 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' or the first film she probably slept with a costar.

mind fuck

How to break my heart in four gifs

"I am not always a sex symbol you cannot say I'm a sex symbol! [laughs] Honestly, I'm just very comfortable in my own skin, and I think that, more than anything, is sexy. It's not always easy to show that side, especially for a photoshoot or a film. There are so many people around. There is that level of pretending. But What you see on film isn't necessarily what I'm like in private. And my family... well I think I give them consistent heart attacks whenever I'm wearing little to nothing. My dad's a pastor. Being proper was and is a way of life. He still really struggles with seeing his little girl in compromising situations. When 'Black Swan' came out, he honestly didn't talk to me for a week."